Sunday, January 5, 2020

Geocentric Model Of The Galaxy - 1683 Words

During the seventeenth century, the geocentric model of the galaxy was widely believed in due to the Catholic Church. The geocentric model stated that the Earth was the center of the universe, rather than the sun being in the center, which was the geocentric model. The idea of anyone believing in the geocentric model was frowned upon. Astronomers like Nicolaus Copernicus had voiced their opinions on it, yet he was chastised for it. Galileo Galilei was an astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician. When Galileo published his book, The Dialogue, which regarded the positioning of the solar system, the Church believed it was less hypothetical than they expected it to be, which proved to be problematic. The clash between†¦show more content†¦Once in Rome, Galileo wrote: â€Å"His Holiness has begun to treat of my affairs in a spirit which allows me to hope for a favorable result† (Linder). Throughout their meeting, Riccardi told Galileo that as long as The Dialogue was stated as a hypothesis, the book would be able to be published. When Riccardi read it, he didn’t think that the book was as hypothetical as they had agreed on, and demanded that it be revised so that it was consistent with the Pope’s position. In 1632, The Dialogue was published. Rapidly, it became very popular. The Pope ordered that it should be taken off the market, and went as far to say: â€Å"Your Galileo has ventured to meddle in things that he ought not and with the most grave and dangerous subjects that can be stirred up these days (Linder). The Pope thought that Galileo’s book was just a thinly-veiled attempt at restating the Copernican model, and even believed that Galileo tried to ridicule him by debunking the argument made by the Pope about the tides. The reason for the popular belief in the geocentric theory was due to the Catholic church and the Bible. Some people believed that the Bible clearly states that the Earth does not mov e. These creationists believe that the scientific assault on the Bible not only began with biological evolution, but the acceptance of the heliocentric theory as well. Modern geocentrists use both Biblical and scientific arguments for their case. The Scriptural passages they use don’t address heliocentricityShow MoreRelatedEver since the beginning of time there have been stars. Not only stars in the sky, but moons,1700 Words   |  7 PagesEver since the beginning of time there have been stars. Not only stars in the sky, but moons, planets, and even galaxies! Astronomy is defined as the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. In other words it is the study of space, planets, and stars. Throughout the ages, many people have used astronomy to help them learn about the universe, our own planet, and even make predictions about life itself. 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